

1701 Covid deaths in one day, 250,000 total U.S. deaths, 11 million cases so far in the United States. One person is dying every 50 seconds. Statistics and data that would makes your head spin and yet there are people that still ignore basic health standards, some believe Covid is a hoax. Baldwin County Doctors and Nurses are advising the general public about masks, social distancing, and to avoid large public gatherings.


Fairhope you made the biggest mistake voters could make, you let the bees eat the honey. Only 15% of the registered voters decided who would become Mayor of Fairhope. Well Fairhope “I told ya so”, Queen Bee Sullivan is getting her just reward. The three B’s on the council, Boone Brown and Burrell, are making sure Sullivan gets her share of the honey, right out of the hive. Her honey pot reward has been announced even before the Queen Bee has been sworn in.


Power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely Between 1837 and 1869, he was known as Sir John Dalberg-Acton, 8th Baronet. He is perhaps best known for the remark, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” There will be no Golden Key for Fairhope. Special interests now have total control. Catalyst/Scott Boone Consulting did a good job of running what turned out to be a popularity contest, Wilson lost.


Tomorrow citizens of Fairhope will go to the polls, rain or shine. Most citizens do not understand some of the inner political workings of the city, like appointments. The Municipal Judge is appointed by the City Council, as well as the Municipal Attorney. Both these positions are hold overs from the past corrupt administration. Mayor Wilson pleaded with the council to consider a new appointment for each position. The council, led by Burrell for the last 8 years, ignored the citizens seeking change and immediately appointed Marcus McDowell as Attorney and reinstated Judge Snedeker.


When the triangle lawsuit was going on, Fairhope’s insurance company, sued the city saying that the city’s bad decisions led to the lawsuit and they were not going to cover the legal expenses. This is a simplification of two long stories. The attorney for the city on the Triangle lawsuit was Cain O’Rear. He came to a council meeting and turned to the audience, held his right hand high, and promised the city would not have to spend a dime on attorney fees, Fairhope paid his firm 3 million dollars and we lost the lawsuit and had to pay 8.


Paula DiNardi Hi everyone…I want to say thank you to all of you who have reached out to me with love & support throughout the past 21 months. I will only post about what is already public record. As most of you know, I was assaulted on Thanksgiving night in 2018 by a local businessman. I was led to believe justice would be served, & it was for just a minute…the city judge found the assailant guilty of assault & public intoxication.


DEAR NEW FAIRHOPE VOTERS: This municipal elections can be won by the young voters that have not voted before and those of you who have moved to Fairhope in the last 10 years. PLEASE READ Today, less than a third of Fairhope’s citizens can say they are actually from Fairhope. Most of us are not from here; but we all call it home. We were drawn to the Eastern Shore because of its picturesque, postage stamp vitality, quaint quality of life, and eclectic nature.


In 2016 I backed Karin Wilson and the current city council, which includes Burrell Boone and Brown. I got one out of four right, Karin Wilson. I was wrong in trusting Burrell, Boone or Brown but I wanted to believe them when they said that they were independent individuals with only Fairhope’s best interest at heart. What total BS that turned out to be, all three have betrayed Fairhope and used their elected office for personal gain.


Comment: I hope that everyone understands what is really at stake here! Sherry says “ she knows how city government should be work, about how building relationships is important in order to get things done “ …. WELL FOLKS, YES SHE DOES!!! She was a huge part of the Kant regime that was full of corruption, did work and favors for wealthy people and maintained these poisonous relationships that were good for the administration but not good for the city.


Two of 5 council seats had no opposition, Place 3, Jimmy Conyers, the best one of the last council will serve 4 more years. Place 2, Cory Martin, the first African American to be elected to council, he had no opposition. Congratulations to both. That leaves the infamous three B’s, Burrell, Boone and Brown trying to convince everyone that they are better than slice bread. Each one of them has used his office for personal gain.