Mr Steve Marshall
Dear Sir:
I wish to address two complaints that I have submitted to your office:
First is the complaint I filed with your office, Attention Clark Morris, in Sept. 2022 against Alabama Ethics Commissions Executive Director Mr Tom Albrittion. I am aware of the lawsuit your office has filed against him, however Mr. Albritton has remained the executive director of the ethics commission, with a handsome paycheck. This singular hypocritical fact disgraces the ethics commission and erodes any function or ethical standards the commission once had.
In the last 15 years The Ripp Report has filed a dozen or so complaints with the ethics commission. A few of the complaints had irrefutable evidence of the allegations submitted. These complaints involved Judges, Lawyers, City Council members and other elected or public servants. Mr Albrittion is the individual that made many of the decisions not to pursue the complaints. It is obvious that Mr Albritton lacks any ethical standards since he skimmed $120,000.00 from the Mabel Amos Trust, which he admitted to. I hope you will review my cover letter in the complaint.
My question is, and I would appreciate an answer: If Mr Albritton is found guilty in court, then will the Attorney General’s office review all previous complaints filed with the Ethics Commission where Mr Albritton failed to take any action?
The Alabama Ethics Commission is a political tool to cover up the misdeeds of Alabama Politicians.
The Alabama Bar found no reason to pursue the complaint, siding with Mr. Albritton.
The Alabama Bar Association is a group of lawyers covering the misdeeds of lawyers.
The Ripp Report failed in it’s effort to Mandamus the Ethics Commission or get a hearing.
It is abundantly clear that citizens cannot depend on the Ethics Commission or Bar Association for any accountability nor transparency.
I do not mean to offend your office, only to explain what many people are thinking. That is, that the A.G.’s lawsuit against Albritton may be a legal masquerade, where the intended outcome allows Albritton to avoid any consequences for his illegal actions. This is supported by the fact that Mr. Albritton is still Executive Director of the Ethics Commission.
The second Ripp Report complaint, is the result of over three years of research into the wrongful conviction of Murray “Bubba” Lawrence, 2005.
On two occasions I came to Montgomery and spoke with agents of the Attorney General about the deplorable corruption in Baldwin County and how the Sheriff was investigating loss of life by his department and municipal policeman, with his own Major Crimes Division, who are all members of various police departments within Baldwin County. They are investigating themselves. Combine this with the fact that the sheriff is also responsible for the election of many Judges representing the county. Many judges have no spine when it comes to contradicting police incidents that come before the court. In the past 10 years 9 people, that we know of, have lost their lives after coming into contact with the Baldwin County Sheriffs Office. In every case either the Major Crimes Division or ALEA, or both, have failed to ever find fault with the Sheriffs office. We reported our concern to the Mobile FBI and will be following up with this complaint. In addition to the lives lost multiple high profile cases in Baldwin County became rife with complaints about the Sheriffs department and the actions of the District Attorney. Then there are the wrongful convictions resulting from sloppy police work and the motivation to hold on to the power of their offices. How many innocent people have been incarcerated in Baldwin County as a result of incompetence and an ego driven Sheriffs Department?
Our complaints have fallen on deaf ears and the political, as well as judicial,, corruption within the county has become even more obvious to Baldwin County Citizens.
The Sheriffs Department has always used gray areas, rumors and publicity to avoid any responsibility. They have also been very effective by using the Major Crimes Division Investigations as a escape goat for any responsibility. It should be noted that two lawsuits, that we know of, are pending against the Sheriffs Office involving the death of 6 unarmed people that did not even have a warrant for their arrest.
By now I expect your eyebrows have raised and you are thinking “couldn’t be that bad”.
In our investigation of the wrongful conviction of Murray Lawrence and murder of Brandon Hastings it became clear almost immediately that Mr. Lawrence was no where near the scene of the crime. It also became apparent Sheriff Hoss Mack and prosecutor David Whetstone had knowledge of Mr . Lawrence’s innocence. Race played a big part in this case as well as a murder investigation that could not produce a witness, fingerprint, DNA, blood, weapon, ballistics, nor a time line of the crime. It is a bazaar case with convoluted twits and turns that can only be contributed to the Sheriff and Whetstone and a Judge willing to go along with the fictitious narrative.
The Judge in the case, Robert Wilters is the current Baldwin County District Attorney. The Judge Sheriff and Prosecutor have been joined at the hip for over 30 years. This cozy, unhealthy relationship has been the backbone of the political corruption in Baldwin County. The Sheriff has become the most powerful “politician”, in the County and most Judges support the sheriff, unconditionally
The case against Murray Lawrence was a disgrace and will stand on its own merits of his innocence.
Let me repeat that previous complaints submitted to your office and the FBI have garnered no response.
My specific complaint is against Sheriff Hoss Mack, District Attorney Robert Wilters and retired prosecutor David Whetstone. Specifically, they colluded with one another to withhold vital information, “Coroners Report”, from the defense of Murray Lawrence.
The defense attorney Willy Huntley has signed an affidavit, September 18 2023, that he never received the epic exculpatory evidence and if he had his line of questioning would have more through. The report is just one more piece of evidence proving Brandon Hastings was not a victim of gunshot.
Despite all the evidence Mr Whetstone and Sheriff Mack pushed the gun theory. On page 1747 of the transcript and in the synopsis, under testimony, page 47 item 187 :
Mack is questioned, “During this time, had Jarius already told that Bubba had shot this young man, BEFORE YOU EVEN MENTIONED THE GUN? Answer “yes sir”. Question; even before the gun was told to him that you had a gun, he had already told you that Bubba had used a gun? Answer: “that’s correct.”
If the above statement is true then it should be in Jarius Ireland statement. The Ireland statement is missing Jarius written statement, go figure! This is just one of many false statements made during the trial by the Sheriff and Prosecutor.
I have included:
- Coroners report and a layman’s interpretation of the potential violations of the law.
- Bound copy of trial transcript synopsis.
- A verbal Lynching in Alabama.
- Copy of Lagniappe article.
The Ripp Report, a not for profit, would be happy to provide:
- The trial transcript in pdf
- The trial transcript in a word document that correlates with the synopsis.
- Notes, newspaper articles, interview information and more.
- An audio, podcast, of the long version of “A verbal lynching in Alabama.”
We are more than willing to cooperate with your office, in person, if requested.
Mr Lawrence is currently being represented by attorneys Maxwell & Tillman in Birmingham. They will handle the wrongful conviction and have nothing to do with this complaint.
This complaint, by The Ripp Report, is specifically addressing the coroners report and the fact that the Judge, Prosecution and lead investigator never provided this vital information to the defense. The Judge signed the Motion for Disinterment. The Prosecution filed the Motion to Disinter remains with the excuse of needing DNA for the murder investigation to proceed??? No evidence exists that support the death of Brandon Hastings was shot. The Sheriff, the lead investigator, NEVER found any evidence of a gunshot, a gun, any ballistic evidence, blood, fiber, fingerprints, DNA, witnesses, stolen property or cell phone records, that implicated Mr. Lawrence in the murder of Brandon Hastings, who he had never met nor had any connection to.
The Coroners report was withheld from the defense, deliberately. The Judge, Prosecutor and Sheriff never acknowledge the disinterment of Brandon Hastings during the two week trial.
Mr Lawrence has been innocently incarcerated for over 18 years, that is 6570 days. During the same time, those responsible for his incarceration, advanced their careers, at the expense of Mr. Lawrence.
The Ripp Report will use all our resources to expose this injustice.
What will the Attorney General do?
- Mobile FBI
- Alabama NAACP
- 1819 News
- Redemption Earned
- U.S. Justice Department
- Alabama Political Reporter
- Maxwell and Tillman
- Wrongful Conviction
- The Court of Public Opinion
Sincerely Francis Paul Ripp
The Ripp Reporter