Sorry for the delay of the Ripp Report.
- Final Adoption – An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 1572: Fly Creek PUD Sunset Provision; Paragraph 3 (a).
This will be the 10th time this subject has come up and it cost the previous mayor and others their jobs. No one is for the project except those married to it. Thousands are against it, however the city council keeps kicking the can down the road. Monday night, they can kill it or they will be forever be considered cowards who bowed down to the developer. A cross they will bare throughout their term.
From the time the bulldozers came to life on the Publix site until present, the project has been one problem after another. It has already permanently damaged Fly Creek and the Fly Creek Watershed. It has been discussed and cussed to no end, yet we find ourselves going to the 10th meeting seeking a resolution.
Some on the council have conflicts of interest related to the developer, engineers, contractors, and land owner— or all the above. It will be interesting to see who votes, and how. It will tell you a lot. Many issues related to the project are still being questioned, such as the placement of the fire station on Parker Road to the highly upgraded sewer lift station. Both on developer land? And there is a pending lawsuit that will gain legs if the developer is allowed to go forward as well as the high probability of future lawsuits. Some council members may be headed for trouble, if they vote.
Please read the Good ole Boy articles below, especially the highlighted parts. The Baldwin Insider is the rear orifice of Catalyst. They are the good ole boys who know if they lose control of Fairhope they will lose forever control of the county. Catalyst fraternity includes county commissioners, attorneys, judges and developers. All working for themselves. The mid term elections will be a challenge all of them will face. These articles are their words and feelings that probably represent less than 20% of the county. The “other” 80% can just “shut up”, unless you have been here 75 years or are a fraternity member.
Then be sure to read and watch the video: