This is a comment that the Ripp Report received. It accurately describes the Fairhope City council and their obstruction in infrastructure repairs.
Director Peterson has been raising this issue in council meeting after council meeting and, despite what Robert Brown says about funding issues, both he and Director Johnson have asked this Council to streamline the process for funding of projects. The Council – particularly Council President Burrell – has dismissed the process that these Directors have begged to implement regarding such requests. There is a work session or council meeting +/- six months ago where Director Johnson requested that the Council reconsider the way in which all projects, including infrastructure projects, are funded because the process in place (where Council President Burrell gets to keep his thumb on everything) creates a system that requires too many steps to fully fund approved projects and does not give Directors enough discretion to immediately address emergency situations. I believe Director Johnson gave an example of the process in either Daphne or the County or both as how things should work. Ripp, please find the video of that session and post it every time the Council claims they are doing their part to quickly fund these infrastructure needs.
Where is the TIMELINE of the City Council? Citizens should be raising hell, but raise hell at the responsible party.
Call the City Council and ask for a timeline:
If the sewer issue pisses you off, how about three of the same Council using their elected office for personal gain? While the other two Council members turned a blind eye.