The below article is from 2018, since that date The Ripp Report has fielded at least another 100 to 150 complaints against Baldwin County Family Court and certain attorneys.

The Ripp Report is accumulating “victims” of the court list. We are compiling an anonymous list where each complaint will be listed by a number, such as anonymous 1 and so on. No information will be shared without the expressed consent of the complainant. The purpose is to establish the extent of damage, emotional and financial, the so called Baldwin County Family Court, BCFC, has inflicted upon families, especially children.

In the coming weeks we will be covering the BCFC, publishing former articles and the latest news. THERE IS, going to be information, published soon, that may be helpful to past and present Victims of the infamous Judge Michelle Thomasson, and the low hanging fruit attorneys who feed off the courts incompetence.

Please stay tuned and contact us if you wish to be on the Anonymous List.

The Ripp Report has had well over a hundred complaints about Judge Thomason and her infamous court. Most complaints center around the good Judges poor decisions and her favoritism for certain bottom feeding attorneys. Family’s have been destroyed by the Judges child visitation schedules and her arbitrary and inconsistent decisions. Lawyers financially bankrupt their clients into submission, with the Judges blessing. A child suicide was even credited to her after her decision split up children from their mother.

Please share this information.