

DEAR NEW FAIRHOPE VOTERS: This municipal elections can be won by the young voters that have not voted before and those of you who have moved to Fairhope in the last 10 years. PLEASE READ Today, less than a third of Fairhope’s citizens can say they are actually from Fairhope. Most of us are not from here; but we all call it home. We were drawn to the Eastern Shore because of its picturesque, postage stamp vitality, quaint quality of life, and eclectic nature.


In 2016 I backed Karin Wilson and the current city council, which includes Burrell Boone and Brown. I got one out of four right, Karin Wilson. I was wrong in trusting Burrell, Boone or Brown but I wanted to believe them when they said that they were independent individuals with only Fairhope’s best interest at heart. What total BS that turned out to be, all three have betrayed Fairhope and used their elected office for personal gain.


Where we should be… The explosive growth that Fairhope has been experiencing has not just overloaded our infrastructure it has put strains on our community in other ways that need to be addressed. We have weakened the foundations that this town was built upon, both physical and social, and they need shoring up. As for the physical, it is true that needed improvements have been made to the sewer system. I’d like to see a couple of years go by without a major overflow of sewage into the bay before we put any additional loads on that system.