Fairhope’s clock and an area around the clock will be saved, thanks to the developer and Mr Dean Mosher who requested the developer, Matt Bowers, to reconsider changes to his original plans. Let’s hope this works out. It is nice to see a developer who considered the community in his plans.The charges against Ronan McSharry, McSharry Bar and Restaurant, were never heard on the scheduled date and the case has been delayed until March. This is the typical way many cases are handled, delay delay, appeal and then blame the victim or anyone else, other than the guilty party.

McSharry’s has been the watering hole for many Judges, Attorneys and Council Members. It is true many have abandoned the location due to the continuous bad behavior of Mr McSharry, who is a green card holder, not a citizen of the United States.

The City Attorney, Marcus McDowell, has done a poor job of protecting the community. He was satisfied to slap Mr. McSharry’s hand in the past offenses, which did nothing to discourage McSharry’ s drunken assaults and harassment of innocent citizens.

The City Attorney has done a good job protecting the council, especially Mr. Burrell, with our tax dollars. Don’t forget how the council and city attorney, when faced with a potential change of government, changed an establish voting date, at the last minute, and then topped it off by providing 1 voting booth per precinct, ensuring long waits to vote.

The Ripp Report will be paying attention to both the Breland case and what creative legal maneuvers the City Attorney comes up with, in the bar stool incident. Be prepared, Catalyst has a bid bag of dirty tricks and they protect their own.

Pay attention ladies, what if this happened to you?