Only in Fairhope can someone with a high school education become the utility director with absolutely no experience at the job. Mayor Sullivan gets a $25,000 utility salary as well as her second check as Mayor.
No other job classification among Fairhope employees exists where “No Experience” is needed.
QUEEN BEE Fairhope you made the biggest mistake voters could make, you let the bees eat the honey. Only 15% of the registered voters decided who would become Mayor of Fairhope.
Fairhope is seeing the results of a Council and Mayor more dedicated to special interests than the majority of their constitutes.
It is an absolute shame the Fairhope Waterfront Project became such a divisive tool, used by elected officials, to distort the project and lie to the public. The vast majority of Fairhope citizens have no idea what the original plan was and the opportunity they have lost.
Start at minute 34. Click here to skip to minute 34 on
The council denies they knew anything about Robert Brown purchasing his ”family” property July 21 2020. Once it was made public and on the record, Council President Burrell got all tongue tied trying to defend his railroad nomination process. He contradicts himself numerous times and ends up with one of his episodes of gibberish.
SELECTED NOT ELECTED The Fairhope Mayor and acting Mayor Burrell are moving at lightning speed to replace Robert Brown’s seat on the City Council, before any citizens can say a word.
Catalyst/Scott Boone Consulting, CSB, and “acting” Mayor Burrell along with the “actual” mayor are going through their honeymoon, and I mean honey. Since Robert Brown quit, Burrell has been on fire to replace him with Jay Marblemouth Robinson who did not seek re-election.
I QUIT The Fairhope City Council that served during the last cycle, 2016/2020 was the least productive of any council in recent memory. Most of the council,3 B’s, used their public office for personal gain.
The Fairhope City Council that served during the last cycle, 2016/2020 was the least productive of any council in recent memory. Most of the council,3 B’s, used their public office for personal gain.
STRAWMAN SPIDERWEB Many people watched the bully council in their last meeting where Councilman Boone flipped out at the end of the meeting. What many people did not know was why? Watch the video again and you will see that when I mention the “Strawman” series in Lagniappe, Boone realized that I had read some of the latest information submitted to the Alabama Judiciary related to the case.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: A secret society is a club or an organization whose activities, events, inner functioning, or membership are concealed from non-members. The society may or may not attempt to conceal its existence.
The term usually excludes covert groups, such as intelligence agencies or guerrilla warfare insurgencies, that hide their activities and memberships but maintain a public presence.
Baldwin County has its own secret society. A political cabal of politicians, developers, judges, lawyers, even a sheriff.
The Mayor of Fairhope and the City Council got hammered by the public, medical professionals and first responders over the city’s decision to have a large public gathering for the lighting of the trees.
I must say that it was quite satisfying to see such a response from a community that often is not paying attention to city affairs.
“TAKE A CHANCE” 1701 Covid deaths in one day, 250,000 total U.
Fairhope City Council President Jack Burrell said he heard birds, and the sky was blue, that he felt Fairhope was going to have peace and calm in the next 4 years. CSB, Catalyst Scott/Boone, owns Fairhope, the council, the municipal judge, the city attorney and the Mayor. Complete total control, everyone is in bed with one another. They will make the decisions not the citizens of Fairhope. Just watch and see.
1701 Covid deaths in one day, 250,000 total U.S. deaths, 11 million cases so far in the United States. One person is dying every 50 seconds. Statistics and data that would makes your head spin and yet there are people that still ignore basic health standards, some believe Covid is a hoax.
Baldwin County Doctors and Nurses are advising the general public about masks, social distancing, and to avoid large public gatherings.
Fairhope you made the biggest mistake voters could make, you let the bees eat the honey. Only 15% of the registered voters decided who would become Mayor of Fairhope.
Well Fairhope “I told ya so”, Queen Bee Sullivan is getting her just reward. The three B’s on the council, Boone Brown and Burrell, are making sure Sullivan gets her share of the honey, right out of the hive. Her honey pot reward has been announced even before the Queen Bee has been sworn in.