


Fairhope City Council President and Eastern Shore, MPO, Metropolitan Planning Organization, Chairman Jack Burrell considers himself a genius. He is the only one, because he leaves a trail of poor decisions, confusion, and corruption that affects his own constituents in a negative way. Jack has been busy. He is the Pied Piper of Baldwin County representing the special interests of Catalyst/Scott Boone Consulting. The Pied Piper is costing Fairhope millions.


Only in Fairhope can someone with a high school education become the utility director with absolutely no experience at the job. Mayor Sullivan gets a $25,000 utility salary as well as her second check as Mayor. No other job classification among Fairhope employees exists where “No Experience” is needed. QUEEN BEE Fairhope you made the biggest mistake voters could make, you let the bees eat the honey. Only 15% of the registered voters decided who would become Mayor of Fairhope.


I am reluctantly back from a three week vacation and trying to get back on the Ripp Report horse. Let’s review a few subjects that have been in the news in my absence. First the Fairhope Waterfront project has been getting progressively worse. What started out as a citizen driven grant has turned into a political hot potato. The project has been whittled down to a stub. The council and Mayor are on different pages and some concerned citizens are beginning to see the true colors of Council President Burrell.


One thing you can say about Fairhope City Council, is that they are consistent. Council President Jack Burrell, who has stained the seat as President of Fairhope Council for two terms, is now beginning his third term, as President. For 9 years Jack has monopolize a position that is normally shared by the whole council, but they do things different in Fairhope. Mr Burrell and Council was sued, in Federal court, for denying public speech:

Backstory Podcast No. 76 A Plague of Apathy

Fairhope Bar Owner Ronan McSharry, of McSharry Irish Pub fame, dare I say: our most famous of Green Card residents, is off the hook (criminally) for Assaulting a woman (the manager of a rival bar) in Fairhope, Alabama at the Little Whiskey Christmas Club on Thanksgiving night 2018. If you aren't disgusted maybe you don't understand what happened here in Baldwin County, Alabama. 121,958,204 SARS-COV-2 cases confirmed worldwide with a total of 2,693,889 deaths; with 29,674,098 cases in the USA with 539,835 deaths; 510,579 cases in Alabama with 10,429 deaths; 1.


Start at minute 34. Click here to skip to minute 34 on The council denies they knew anything about Robert Brown purchasing his ”family” property July 21 2020. Once it was made public and on the record, Council President Burrell got all tongue tied trying to defend his railroad nomination process. He contradicts himself numerous times and ends up with one of his episodes of gibberish. SELECTED NOT ELECTED The Fairhope Mayor and acting Mayor Burrell are moving at lightning speed to replace Robert Brown’s seat on the City Council, before any citizens can say a word.


The Fairhope Mayor and acting Mayor Burrell are moving at lightning speed to replace Robert Brown’s seat on the City Council, before any citizens can say a word. HONEYMOON Catalyst/Scott Boone Consulting, CSB, and “acting” Mayor Burrell along with the “actual” mayor are going through their honeymoon, and I mean honey. Since Robert Brown quit, Burrell has been on fire to replace him with Jay Marblemouth Robinson who did not seek re-election.


Catalyst/Scott Boone Consulting, CSB, and “acting” Mayor Burrell along with the “actual” mayor are going through their honeymoon, and I mean honey. Since Robert Brown quit, Burrell has been on fire to replace him with Jay Marblemouth Robinson who did not seek re-election. I QUIT The Fairhope City Council that served during the last cycle, 2016/2020 was the least productive of any council in recent memory. Most of the council,3 B’s, used their public office for personal gain.


The Fairhope City Council that served during the last cycle, 2016/2020 was the least productive of any council in recent memory. Most of the council,3 B’s, used their public office for personal gain. STRAWMAN SPIDERWEB Many people watched the bully council in their last meeting where Councilman Boone flipped out at the end of the meeting. What many people did not know was why? Watch the video again and you will see that when I mention the “Strawman” series in Lagniappe, Boone realized that I had read some of the latest information submitted to the Alabama Judiciary related to the case.


If every municipality in Alabama had a “Concerned Citizen” such as the one in Columbia, Alabama, Alabama would not be so political corrupt. A concerned citizen is just the first step, where the hell is the Ethics Commission, Attorney General or FBI? If the allegations did not have supporting documents I can see where the complaint would go no where. But in the case of Columbia documents, witnesses exist and yet the Columbia City Council hides like sheep while the Mayor and Police Chief ignore any and all allegations.