Get ready Fairhope, CATALYST is now working under the Scott Boone Consulting banner. CATALYST can be best described as:

“Intricate web of multiple concentric layers of companies that are intermingled around and intended, among other things, to conceal the interrelationships among and between, and to insulate from liability”

The FBI defines a criminal enterprise as “a group of individuals with an identified hierarchy, or comparable structure, engaged in significant criminal activity.”

It was predicted that CATALYST may change it’s name, which has become toxic in Baldwin County.

Don’t let the name change fool ya, it is still the same self serving individuals.

Fairhope and Baldwin County are infamous for “Fixing” elections. Fairhope is also infamous for Faux candidates and stacking the deck.

Faux candidates are candidates that tell you,”no one owns me” or I am not with them. Then after they are elected you find out they are all joined at the hip, like the present Catalyst Council.

Stacking the deck is when several candidates run for the same position to dilute the votes and force a runoff election.

Watch the Mayor’s race and if Tim Cant jumps in pay close attention.

Former Mayor Cant is was well known for his support of developers, Fly Creek Apartments, BP Fraud, misuse of FEMA funds, Triangle lawsuit, Airport corruption, pollution of the bay and most of all, his total neglect of Fairhope infrastructure.

Cant is fully responsible for Fairhope’s infrastructure failures.

But do not count him out, he is a CATALYST tool and may stack the deck.

Fairhope City Council qualifications are July 7th to 21st. Fairhope needs a challenger for all 5 places. The present council is the worst in Fairhope history.

Good news, the first challenger has stepped up, Joshua Gammon running for place 5 Kevin Boone’s seat.

Yep that is Scott Boone’s father, are you connecting the dots?

Check out BOONE related articles on the Ripp Report.

Be sure to watch the last couple of minutes and see Councilman Boone flip out when “STRAWMAN” is mentioned.

Exposing his and his son, Scott’s involvement in the fraud “Strawman”, a series of Lagniappe articles.

Kevin Boone has been bald face lying to the whole community since he was elected.

Kevin Boone has been voting on the council for 8 years. His conflicts of interest predate his election he never divulged his numerous LLC’s

PLEASE keep Joshua Gammon in mind for place 5.

The Ripp Report will follow up with Mr Gammon and give you full report at a later date.

PLACE 1 2 3 and 4 need challengers, are you up to the challenge?

Fairhope needs a diverse council representing our community as a whole.

This cannot be achieved when CATALYST is in control.

PLEASE consider serving in public service and consider running for any of the 4 council places.