Where we should be…

The explosive growth that Fairhope has been experiencing has not just overloaded our infrastructure it has put strains on our community in other ways that need to be addressed. We have weakened the foundations that this town was built upon, both physical and social, and they need shoring up.

As for the physical, it is true that needed improvements have been made to the sewer system. I’d like to see a couple of years go by without a major overflow of sewage into the bay before we put any additional loads on that system.

Parking will always be an issue, one that will never be completely solved. As we try to work through solutions for our downtown churches and businesses, we should first stop making it worse. Managing our growth more wisely won’t reduce traffic but it will stabilize it.

The same can be said of our schools. If we weren’t focused on finding more seats for ever larger classes, we would be improving test scores and college placement rates.

Our police department has had to adapt to our booming population as well. Those officers do heroic work every day, but out of necessity they interact with citizens less, and the department shows signs of evolving away from its traditional small-town approach. We should see more of the faces of our law-enforcement officers.

Beyond these physical elements, there is a social foundation to Fairhope that is being eroded. I have seen property purchased and cleared, without a tree left standing, as every neighbor and passerby watched aghast. No consideration was given to the concerns of these existing residents, the newcomers thinking only of their own wants and dreams. Any neighborhood is nothing more than a series of bonds between like minded people. Such thoughtless development breaks those bonds, hurts the neighborhood, and ultimately weakens and destroys the town.

My father used to say that he would defend property rights more than any other rights, including defending them with the use of nuclear weapons. I won’t go that far, but I do have respect for the fact that someone can do whatever they want to with their land. But just because something is a right doesn’t mean it is right. A lot of what is happening in Fairhope is legal but it’s wrong. We need leaders who are not afraid to remind us of this.

[email protected]

Slow Down Fairhope

The above post is a copy from Mr. Gibbens Facebook page and placed in the Ripp Report for your information.

The below information is that of the Ripp Report and Mr. Gibbens was not consulted prior to this publication.

Mr Gibbens opponent is Robert Brown. Councilman Brown has done very well as a city councilman. He has used his office for personal gain. He fully supported the Fly Creek Apartments and his mentor Developer Angelo Corte.

Brown sided with the developer and his mentor. He ignored his constituents and proceeded to use his office for personal gain.

Mr Brown presently has an Ethics complaint and Attorney General complaint filed against him for contracts, closely related to the city, that benefited him personally.

Brown was involved with the Recreation land purchase, without public participation, to the tune of 2.65 million. He is in favor of giving up control of the triangle property to a conservation easement, a taxpayer cost of 11.25 million. He was willing to “take a chance” on the Arts and Craft Show and is a naysayer of covid.

The Ripp Report ‘s long range prediction is that if Mr. Brown loses the council race, he may escape complaint charges. If Mr Brown wins he will face the music of the complaints sooner or later.

Brown exemplifies a CATALYST/Scott Boone loyalist, CATALYST has cost Baldwin County Millions and their good ole boy’s club needs to end.