

The Ripp Report is a Non-Profit Consumer Organization. The Ripp Report handles consumer issues, offers consultation on specific issues, family court issues and exposes political corruption. We cannot give legal advice, as we are not attorneys. We can however assist in finding competent attorneys. The intent of our non-profit is to inform the public on numerous issues, political and non political. Lagniappe has covered the Fairhope, McSharry “Bar stool” incident from the onset, the below article best encapsulates events to date.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: A secret society is a club or an organization whose activities, events, inner functioning, or membership are concealed from non-members. The society may or may not attempt to conceal its existence. The term usually excludes covert groups, such as intelligence agencies or guerrilla warfare insurgencies, that hide their activities and memberships but maintain a public presence. Baldwin County has its own secret society. A political cabal of politicians, developers, judges, lawyers, even a sheriff.


Fairhope are you distracted enough between Inciting Insurrection, and the championship football game today? How distracted and worried have you been over Covid-19 and your kids going back to school? IT IS A PERFECT TIME FOR A QUARTERBACK SNEAK! In Fairhope the quarterback is none other than the most sneaky and corrupt politician in Baldwin County. The great negotiator, Sneaky Jack Burrell who chose tonight to use the City Council meeting, which no-one goes to, to swear in the Municipal Judge Haymes Snedeker.


Tomorrow citizens of Fairhope will go to the polls, rain or shine. Most citizens do not understand some of the inner political workings of the city, like appointments. The Municipal Judge is appointed by the City Council, as well as the Municipal Attorney. Both these positions are hold overs from the past corrupt administration. Mayor Wilson pleaded with the council to consider a new appointment for each position. The council, led by Burrell for the last 8 years, ignored the citizens seeking change and immediately appointed Marcus McDowell as Attorney and reinstated Judge Snedeker.


Paula DiNardi Hi everyone…I want to say thank you to all of you who have reached out to me with love & support throughout the past 21 months. I will only post about what is already public record. As most of you know, I was assaulted on Thanksgiving night in 2018 by a local businessman. I was led to believe justice would be served, & it was for just a minute…the city judge found the assailant guilty of assault & public intoxication.


Just like tea leaves if you look close enough at the local political signs they are sending you a subliminal message. If however you do not allow your eyes to rule your brain, the subliminal message is much clearer. Catalyst has been around for a long time, under various names. Recently Catalyst became Scott Boone Consulting. The name CATALYST had to be abandoned, it had become politically toxic. The other reason is elected officials, elected under the CATALYST banner, were disassociating with the brand.


Instead of a lot of links and dialog, this Freaky Friday is going to feature a portion of lasts nights Fairhope City Council Meeting: The City Attorney is appointed by the City Council as is the Municipal Judge. Replace the Council and you can reappoint a new City Attorney and Municipal Judge, that are not CATALYST. The McSharry case is corruption staring you in the face. Ask yourself what if this was your daughter, sister, mother or friend that was assaulted?


Everyone in Baldwin County should be aware of CATALYST. They are a powerful, mostly secret, political group that represent the Status Quo, the good ole boys. Good ole boys exist in many places however in Baldwin County they have been bold enough to adopt the title of CATALYST. In 2018, mid-term elections, CATALYST almost pulled off the perfect political coup. CATALYST ran candidates for almost every Baldwin County race. If it had not been for several social media sources and Lagniappe informing the public what was going on, CATALYST would have had control of Baldwin County Government.


A good example of Baldwin County incompetence, political interference, lack of ethics, CATALYST, corruption and judicial failure, is all exposed in one incident, the McSharry assault case. JUDICIAL TRICK JUDICIAL TRICK | THE RIPP REPORT / BALDWIN COUNTY LEGAL EAGLE Baldwin County has had a reputation of judicial malfeasance, trickery and out right corruption. Citizens read about it in Lagniappe or on line however nothing changes. Some Judges and lawyers feel…