


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: A secret society is a club or an organization whose activities, events, inner functioning, or membership are concealed from non-members. The society may or may not attempt to conceal its existence. The term usually excludes covert groups, such as intelligence agencies or guerrilla warfare insurgencies, that hide their activities and memberships but maintain a public presence. Baldwin County has its own secret society. A political cabal of politicians, developers, judges, lawyers, even a sheriff.


The Mayor of Fairhope and the City Council got hammered by the public, medical professionals and first responders over the city’s decision to have a large public gathering for the lighting of the trees. I must say that it was quite satisfying to see such a response from a community that often is not paying attention to city affairs. https://rippreport.com/take-a-chance/ Baldwin County Doctors and Nurses are advising the general public about masks, social distancing, and to avoid large public gatherings.


Fairhope you made the biggest mistake voters could make, you let the bees eat the honey. Only 15% of the registered voters decided who would become Mayor of Fairhope. Well Fairhope “I told ya so”, Queen Bee Sullivan is getting her just reward. The three B’s on the council, Boone Brown and Burrell, are making sure Sullivan gets her share of the honey, right out of the hive. Her honey pot reward has been announced even before the Queen Bee has been sworn in.

Backstory Podcast 9/11, 2001 Remembered

28,268,970 SARS-COV-2 cases confirmed worldwide with a total of 911,282 deaths; 6,417,146 in the USA with 192,381 deaths; 136,703 cases in Alabama with 2,333 deaths. September 11, 2001 remembered: a tragic day for our Country. Absentee voting, Bass Pro Shops shooter; Baldwin County’s new proposed zoning districts; Governor Ivey’s prison plan; extortion via cell phone from Alabama Correctional Facilities (and probably a murder determined to be a suicide); Gulf Shores, Alabama (home of Jack Edwards Airport) is to get a tower thanks to Federal $ and a commercial carrier.


TOP 10 QUESTIONS for Sherry Sullivan and the general public. By now you all have heard these weak knee interviews of soft ball questions from Fairhope candidates running for office. In Fairhope we have a fired employee who sued the city, running for Mayor, for all the wrong reasons. Sherry Sullivan who worked under Mayor Cant for almost 16 years. Cant lost and Sherry was fired, as a result of that CATALYST was born.


Where we should be… The explosive growth that Fairhope has been experiencing has not just overloaded our infrastructure it has put strains on our community in other ways that need to be addressed. We have weakened the foundations that this town was built upon, both physical and social, and they need shoring up. As for the physical, it is true that needed improvements have been made to the sewer system. I’d like to see a couple of years go by without a major overflow of sewage into the bay before we put any additional loads on that system.


Fairhope is closing in on another municipal election so get ready for CATALYST and the ill informed to try and convince voters that they know best. The latest issue is the plan for the waterfront, pier and parks at the bay. The funding comes from the BP oil spill in 2010. The cycle for funding and approval took years and grants were very specific outlining the scope of work. The last three years the waterfront project has been on the table.


It is no secret that the Fairhope City Council is CATALYST through and through. It is also well documented that the council opposes, procrastinates or just refuses anything the Mayor may propose. Even projects that have been previously endorsed by the council, are delayed or canceled by the council. After 3 and half years, The Fairhope Waterfront Project is finally on the drawing board. This $6.2 million project has had a wealth of planning and public participation.


If you attended or watched on YouTube, the 3 hour and 34 minute Fairhope City Council meeting, May 29th, then there should be no doubt in your mind how dysfunctional the Council is. It makes no difference what attorneys, city staff, citizens or the Mayor recommend to the council the council does the opposite and acts like a Dictatorship. It is all political and the Fairhope City Council is holding up the progress of the city.


DOG AND PONY SHOW DOG AND PONY SHOW | THE RIPP REPORT / BALDWIN COUNTY LEGAL EAGLE Get ready Fairhope! The Catalyst Council has called a special meeting at a special time, that they hope is inconvenient for everyone. Today at 3:30, I have to agree that is an excellent time… Source: rippreport.com/2019/05/10/dog-and-pony-show/ Jack uses “special meetings” to eliminate public participation and by passing council meetings. Monday night is a council meeting however Jack did not want any public input.